2012年11月8日 星期四

20121105 - Las Margaritas

Las Margaritas Mexican
1999 W 4th Ave
Vancouver, BC
(604) 734-7117


Las Margaritas

Las Margaritas


Tortilla Chip

免費招待的 Tortilla Chip,很脆,Salsa 小辣不過料很足。

Pineapple Margarita

既然叫做 Las Margaritas 那當然要衝一發 Margarita,今天剛好 Special 一杯 4.99。味道很順,酒的味道不是很重,不過我好像點的是鳳梨... 好像沒喝到那個味道。

Fiesta Platter

Fiesta Platter - 19.25
A sampling of Las Margaritas favorites for sharing.Guacamole, jalapeño poppers, chicken wings, cheesequesadillas, chicken taquitos and mini chimis. Servedwith our sweet jalapeño salsa, chipotle dip andsour cream.
還滿好吃的,整盤都很適合配酒  (?)

Spicy Wings

Spicy Wings - 8.85
Tender chicken wings coated with herbs & spices,then deep-fried crisp & served with both sweetjalapeño salsa & chipotle chile dip.
其實沒有很辣...Chipotle 的醬沒有很重的味道

Chile Relleno, Chicken Enchiladas, beef taco

Numero Dos - 18.50
Chile Relleno, Chicken Enchilada and a Soft Beef Taco.
Taco 皮還滿優的,可是肉有點嫌乾,Enchiladas不解釋,我愛。Relleno 普普

Enchiladas San Blas

Enchiladas San Blas 14.40
Two flour tortillas filled with a seafood mixture ofrock crab, red snapper, shrimp, onions, cucumber,tomatoes and cheese, covered with cream sauce,melted cheese and sliced avocado. Served with housesalad and Mexican rice.
海鮮的,另外說一下可以特別加辣,有分 Hot, Extra Hot 跟 No Mercy,有人上 Extra Hot 就受不了了。


Chimichanga - 15.05
A large flour tortilla folded with your choice of roasted beef, ground beef or chicken, cheese and chopped NewMexico chiles, deep-fried and topped with amarilla sauce, sour cream & guacamole. Served with refried beans & Mexican rice.

Steak Burrito

Steak Burrito

Steak Burrito ,特別附上切面特寫,肉還滿多的聽說。

Salmon Burrito

Salmon Burrito

必須說啦。吃得很飽足,服務也很好,不過我們一行人走出來,結論幾乎是一致的:Appetizer 很OK,主食普普,氣氛尤佳。所以只有開生日趴才會考慮回來這裡 XD

2 則留言:

  1. 主食普普嗎?我覺得超好吃阿,那不知道版主有沒有吃過哪間好吃的墨西哥菜呢?

    1. 有可能是一行人都沒點對東西 XD
