2015年1月10日 星期六
[Bellingham] Mount Bakery Cafe x Rocket Donuts
撈過界就是這樣,溫哥華的早午餐還沒吃完,就跑到美國吃美國的早午餐。這次要為各位介紹的兩家店,都位於 Bellingham 的市區 (翻譯:跟 Costco 反方向的地方)。
第一站是這家叫做 Mount Bakery 的麵包店,這家在 Bellingham 當地非常有名的麵包店,他們家的可頌,麵包,甜點甚麼的,贏得過很多當地的美食獎項,Urbanspoon 更是擁有96%的超高 Rating。
Original "Best" Benny - 9.99
兩顆水波蛋(Poached Eggs),擺在火腿,厚片鬆餅跟馬鈴薯上,再淋上荷蘭醬 (Hollandaise Sauce)。
第二大亮點則是 Benny 的靈魂,荷蘭醬,因為他們的荷蘭醬真的很濃稠,很滑順,很香,混著剛剛爆出來的蛋黃,說是小弟吃過前三大好吃的 Benny 是一點也不為過。
2015年1月6日 星期二
Thai One || Thai x Taiwanese x Fusion
Preface: I was asked to translate this post into English so more people knows what I am talking about. Therefore, here you go, my very first review written in English.
You got to have some guts to open up a restaurant in this 4th and Burrard neighbourhood. For one, there are already too many good restaurants in this area, and if you do not keep up your game, you will disappear like the two restaurants that previously occupies this space.
I was quite skeptical when I see this restaurant opening, partly because I am not so keen on the idea of Asian Fusion (after seeing too many failed attempts). However, the pronunciation of the restaurant did caught my eye a little, so I decided to give this restaurant a try anyways.
I really like their interior; clean and simple. I especially like how they just write a big "Thai One" on the wall.
By the way, if you are sharp you may catch the Bubble World logo somewhere in the restaurant, as well as the bubble tea straws. By no means though, is this the same level as Bubble World.
Chef Special Spring Roll is packed, PACKED, with seaweed, shrimp, and chicken. It reminds me of traditional Taiwanese chicken roll, but replacing the outer skin with spring roll skins. It is one of my favourite dishes for tonight.
Moon Shrimp Cake, something that anyone who claims to be Taiwanese Thai Fusion needs to have. This dish, whom many Taiwanese people thought is a common Thai dish, actually originated from Taiwan, but somehow mistaken as Thai.
It is also very flavourful, full of the taste of the shrimp, and with the special Thai sauce, it was one of the fastest dishes to disappear in front of our eyes.
This seared raw beef, I would put it somewhere between the Japanese beef tataki and the Phnom Penh butter beef. It has the tenderness of Beef Tataki, but how Chef prepared the dressings et al is what you are more likely to see in a restaurant that claims to serve Southeast Asian cuisine.
Masala Fried Rice was the toughest to take picture of, as it smelled so good that I can barely hold on to my camera. It is again very flavourful, despite how the server said this was the lighter option over other fried rice (which was Basil Beef by the way.) We were told that the chef spend a lot of time before perfecting the taste of the dish.
Of course, if you are not into fried rice, there's always white rice.
Lemon Pork Jowl was perfectly done, even for a self-proclaimed Pork Jowl enthusiast like myself. The sauce was the icing on the cake; it removes the oily taste that some people love and hate when they enjoy pork meat, and in turn you forget how many pieces you have eaten.
Green Curry Chicken was very creamy and filled with lots of contents, as you can see in the picture. What got us was that we could not figure out what that breadstick-looking side dish was, and forgot to ask because we ate it.
Here comes something that we were all curious about, the Eggplant Lasagna. Despite its name, only the look resembles an actual lasagna. Beneath the cheese was eggplants, and there are meats that taste like "Kra Prao Moo"from Thailand,and the base is sticky rice cake. What seem like impossible combinations did manage to come together, and as you eat it you taste many elements of flavour in the same bite, which was an interesting feeling.
One thing though, this is rather heavy in terms of taste, even with the rice cake on the bottom.
本日最期待的一道菜,Eggplant Lasagna。
Their soup menu currently features the Tom Yum soup and the Laska soup (pictured). The laksa was very spicy, which was no problem for me but could be problematic for some.
Overall, it was a lot better than I expected, and I see this restaurant surviving at the very least, making a case to stay in this area. Their dishes have a price range around 12-20 dollars, which is rather acceptable, even slightly cheaper compared to what's right across from their restaurant.
For those who perfers to dine with a lighter taste, you may want to talk to the servers before you order, because chances are 9/10 of the items are either salty or spicy. (they do have chili symbol telling you which one is spicy, but I felt it was a bit inconsistent as some 1 chili items were a lot more spicy than others. It did leave me with quite a good first impression, and I will at least return sometime soon just to try out other dishes.
Thai One Vancouver
1947 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
(604) 558-1237
As a closing remark, for those of you who are reading my very first English review, I would appreciate any feedback from you. For example, if there's any specific restaurant that I have covered that you would like to see an English review, let me know. ( I don't think I can do all though...) If you think I might as well start an English only blog and leave this place with Chinese-only content, please voice out too. Thanks a bunch!
You got to have some guts to open up a restaurant in this 4th and Burrard neighbourhood. For one, there are already too many good restaurants in this area, and if you do not keep up your game, you will disappear like the two restaurants that previously occupies this space.
I was quite skeptical when I see this restaurant opening, partly because I am not so keen on the idea of Asian Fusion (after seeing too many failed attempts). However, the pronunciation of the restaurant did caught my eye a little, so I decided to give this restaurant a try anyways.
I really like their interior; clean and simple. I especially like how they just write a big "Thai One" on the wall.
By the way, if you are sharp you may catch the Bubble World logo somewhere in the restaurant, as well as the bubble tea straws. By no means though, is this the same level as Bubble World.
Chef Special Spring Roll is packed, PACKED, with seaweed, shrimp, and chicken. It reminds me of traditional Taiwanese chicken roll, but replacing the outer skin with spring roll skins. It is one of my favourite dishes for tonight.
Moon Shrimp Cake, something that anyone who claims to be Taiwanese Thai Fusion needs to have. This dish, whom many Taiwanese people thought is a common Thai dish, actually originated from Taiwan, but somehow mistaken as Thai.
It is also very flavourful, full of the taste of the shrimp, and with the special Thai sauce, it was one of the fastest dishes to disappear in front of our eyes.
This seared raw beef, I would put it somewhere between the Japanese beef tataki and the Phnom Penh butter beef. It has the tenderness of Beef Tataki, but how Chef prepared the dressings et al is what you are more likely to see in a restaurant that claims to serve Southeast Asian cuisine.
Masala Fried Rice was the toughest to take picture of, as it smelled so good that I can barely hold on to my camera. It is again very flavourful, despite how the server said this was the lighter option over other fried rice (which was Basil Beef by the way.) We were told that the chef spend a lot of time before perfecting the taste of the dish.
Of course, if you are not into fried rice, there's always white rice.
Lemon Pork Jowl was perfectly done, even for a self-proclaimed Pork Jowl enthusiast like myself. The sauce was the icing on the cake; it removes the oily taste that some people love and hate when they enjoy pork meat, and in turn you forget how many pieces you have eaten.
Green Curry Chicken was very creamy and filled with lots of contents, as you can see in the picture. What got us was that we could not figure out what that breadstick-looking side dish was, and forgot to ask because we ate it.
Here comes something that we were all curious about, the Eggplant Lasagna. Despite its name, only the look resembles an actual lasagna. Beneath the cheese was eggplants, and there are meats that taste like "Kra Prao Moo"from Thailand,and the base is sticky rice cake. What seem like impossible combinations did manage to come together, and as you eat it you taste many elements of flavour in the same bite, which was an interesting feeling.
One thing though, this is rather heavy in terms of taste, even with the rice cake on the bottom.
本日最期待的一道菜,Eggplant Lasagna。
Their soup menu currently features the Tom Yum soup and the Laska soup (pictured). The laksa was very spicy, which was no problem for me but could be problematic for some.
Overall, it was a lot better than I expected, and I see this restaurant surviving at the very least, making a case to stay in this area. Their dishes have a price range around 12-20 dollars, which is rather acceptable, even slightly cheaper compared to what's right across from their restaurant.
For those who perfers to dine with a lighter taste, you may want to talk to the servers before you order, because chances are 9/10 of the items are either salty or spicy. (they do have chili symbol telling you which one is spicy, but I felt it was a bit inconsistent as some 1 chili items were a lot more spicy than others. It did leave me with quite a good first impression, and I will at least return sometime soon just to try out other dishes.
Thai One Vancouver
1947 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
(604) 558-1237
As a closing remark, for those of you who are reading my very first English review, I would appreciate any feedback from you. For example, if there's any specific restaurant that I have covered that you would like to see an English review, let me know. ( I don't think I can do all though...) If you think I might as well start an English only blog and leave this place with Chinese-only content, please voice out too. Thanks a bunch!
Thai One || 台菜x泰菜xFusion!
Click me to find the English review of this restaurant.
說實話,小弟覺得敢在四街這條美食大街開餐飲店,一定要有相當的覺悟,如果餐廳不好吃,或是不吸引客人的話,很快就會 say goodbye 了。光是看照片這位置的前身,連續兩家韓國烤肉接連倒閉之後...
其實當小弟知道這家 Thai One 開幕的時候,其實有點半信半疑。其一是他們家正對面的餐廳都很好吃,其二是打著 Asian Fusion 的招牌,一個不小心其實就會沒特色。不過衝著他們名字聽起來很像台灣,勢必\要至少吃一次看看的。
小弟很喜歡他們家的裝潢,乾淨俐落,牆壁上面斗大的 Thai One 更是大膽。(P.S. 最近真的超愛魚眼鏡頭,隨身帶著...)
2015年1月3日 星期六
Crackle Creme || 焦糖烤布雷專門店
最近寫早午餐寫太多了,來換個心情寫甜點好了。今天要介紹的這家,是位於 Chinatown 邊緣的 Crackle Creme。一直嚷嚷說自己多愛 Creme Brulee,結果到現在才來吃這家,是小弟動作太慢了...
店真的真的很小,大概只有七八個位子吧裡面。老闆是個亞洲面孔,你跟他點了 Creme Brulee 之後,他會從冰箱拿出來,拿隻噴槍在你面前將他烤好。
然後... 有做功課的我們,有知道 Earl Grey 跟 Baileys 很好吃,可是當天去的時候這兩個都還沒 Ready.......
Maple Walnut x Vanilla Bean - 5.00 ea.
上圖展示的是正常 Size 的 Creme Brulee, 一盒 $5.00,Vanilla Bean 超好吃,香草的香氣很濃很香,Maple Walnut 則比較奇妙一點點,楓糖的香氣有加到不少分。
Flight of Three - Black Sesame x Honey Lavender x Ferrero Rocher - 7.50
上圖是可以讓客人一次嘗到三種口味的 Sample,$7.50 一籠,有六種口味可以選,但是想當然Size會小一點點。其中小弟最愛的是蜂蜜薰衣草,淡淡薰衣草香跟蜂蜜,真的跟烤布雷的味道很搭。金莎口味的偏甜,Black Sesame 也還不差。
Vanilla Bean Waffle - 3.75
跟 Creme Brulee 比起來,他們家的 Waffle 就遜色許多,有點感覺放在那邊很久持續加熱的那種感覺。
如果像小弟一樣吃完還想再吃的話,他們家可以外帶,一盒6個 $28,小弟是在最後關頭忍下才沒有買的。如果純粹是評 Creme Brulee 本身的話,這家在小弟心中的印象評分非常高,搞不好下次再來,手上就會提個一盒回去了... (其實這樣也好,畢竟他們家椅子真的不夠)
最後有個小叮嚀,他們家沒廁所,請上完廁所在來 (笑
Crackle Crème
245 Union Street, Vancouver, BC
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